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Chinese Medical Massage to Promote the Upper Limbs

Massage to Promote the Upper Limbs
1. Press and knead the front side of the armpit, 20 times on each side.
2. Press and knead the lateral side of the shoulder, just below the shoulder tip (Li15), 20 times on each side.
3. Press and knead the middle of shoulder back (Gb21), 20 times on each side, rotate the shoulder joint while kneading.
4. Press and knead around the elbow, especially along the transverse cubital crease, 20 times on each side.
5. Flick the back of the elbow while flexed, especially on the inner tip, so as to create a tingling sensation.
6. Rub along the front arm down to the hand, and then rub along the back of the arm up to the shoulder. Repeat the procedure 30 times on each side.
7. Rub the hands, palm to palm and then palm to the back of the hand, 20 times.
8. Twirl the knuckles of each finger on both hands.
9. Slightly flex the elbow and wrist joints, then curl the fingers and make scratching motions with the hands.
This massage relaxes the muscles and enhances joint mobility, which helps relieve symptoms in the upper limbs.



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