Massage to Relieve Ear Ringing (Tinnitus)
Massage to Relieve Ear Ringing (Tinnitus)
In TCM thinking, the ears are the openings of the kidney on the body surface, and they are also important pivot locations for the meridians to communicate with each other. Diminished hearing, tinnitus or deafness means internal disharmony related in to the kidney.
Based on the nature of ear ringing sounds, TCM can identify the specific disharmony inside the body. For example, when the Liver Meridian, Gall Bladder Meridian or Triple Burner Meridian have fire evils and they have traveled to the head region, there will be heavy ringing in the ears which may even become aggravated by covering the ears; when the Spleen Meridian has dampness evils that blocks the yang-qi flowing upward to the head, there will be mild ear ringing too; sometimes ear ringing appears and gradually fades, or can be partly relieved by covered the ears, this will be due to exhausted kidney essence failing to nourish the ears.
1. Knead the center of the crown of the head (Du20), 30 times.
2. Thumb-knead the depressions below the occipital bone (Gb20), at the bottom of the skull, 30 times.
3. Knead just in front of the ear (Sj17) and behind the earlobe (Si19), 30 times each. Then rub forcefully around the ears, 30 times.
4. Knead heavily on the lateral sides of the lumbar spine, 30 times.
5. Nip and knead the middle part of the palm web, between the thumb and the index finger (Li4), 30 times on each hand.
6. Knead the depression behind the inner malleolus of the ankle (Ki3), 30 times on each ankle.
This massage enhances the kidney and promotes ear functioning, which helps to alleviate ear ringing, poor hearing and inner ear problems. Furthermore, there are also additional steps for individuals with the following:
Ear ringing induced by emotional crises, and accompanied with dizziness, irritability, mouth dryness and constipation
Wipe the forehead with the middle knuckles of the index fingers, 30 times.
Place the palms on the sides of the navel and then scrub up and down over the lower abdomen, 30 times.
Knead the middle of back of the head (Du16), 30 times.
Knead both sides of the back, lateral to the ninth thoracic vertebra. (Bl18), 30 times.
Nip and knead the back (Sj6) and front (Pc6) sides of the forearm which is about 2-finger-breadths above the midline of the wrist, 20 times on each side.
Press and knead the dorsum of the foot, in the depression between the big toe and the second toe (Lr3), 30 times on each foot.
Press and knead the depression in front of the lateral malleolus of the ankle (Gb40), 30 times on each ankle.
Cicada-like ringing accompanied by deafness, dizziness, chest oppression and throat secretions
Clench the fists and beat the middle of the back of the opposite shoulder (Gb21), 30 times on each side.
Use the middle finger to knead the lateral side of the third thoracic vertebra (Bl13), 30 times on each side.
Knead the middle of the sternum (breastbone) (Rn17), 30 times.
Rub transversely over the chest region, 30 times.
Wipe the forehead with the middle knuckles of the index fingers, 30 times.
Ear ringing accompanied with dizziness, lumbar soreness and seminal emission
Wipe the forehead with the middle knuckles of the index fingers, 30 times.
Knead the lateral sides of the lumbar region, 60 times.
Wipe transversely across the lumbar and hip region, 30 times.
Ear ringing accompanied with poor appetite, low spirits and breath shortness
Wipe the forehead with the middle knuckles of the index fingers, 30 times.
Cross the hands, place on the upper abdomen and rub the area, 30 times.
Knead the sides of the upper lumbar spine, 30 times.