Chinese Medical Massage to Relieve Menstrual Pain
Menstrual pain refers to pain in the lower abdomen and hip region during the menstrual period. TCM believes the problem is mainly due to non-smooth flows of blood and qi in the pelvic region. Massage aims at promoting the flows and resolving the obstructions. When applying massage during the menstrual period, the techniques should be softer so as to avoid initiating a heavy menses flow.
1. Knead heavily on the lateral side of lumbar area 30 times.
2. Clench the fists and beat the area for 30 times.
3. Press and knead the midline of the lower abdomen (Rn6, 4), 30 times.
4. Place the palms on both sides of the navel and then scrub up and down over the lower abdomen, 30 times.
5. Cross the hands, place them below the navel and then rub the area, 30 times.
6. Nip and knead the middle part of the palm web, between the thumb and the index finger (Li4), 30 times on each hand.
7. Press and knead 1-finger-breadth below the anterior crest of the tibia (St36), 30 times on each leg.
8. Press and knead 3-finger-breadths above the inner malleolus of the ankle (Sp6), 30 times on each ankle.
For individuals with particular associated signs, the following steps are added to the protocol:
Breast tenderness, Scanty purplish menses with clotted blood, menstrual pain is distended in nature and aggravated by pressure
Knead the center of the sternum (breastbone)(Rn17), 30 times.
Rub the chest transversely, 30 times.
Knead the sides of the upper lumbar spine, about the level of the ninth thoracic vertebra (Bl18), 30 times.
Knead below the free end of the eleventh rib (Lr13), 30 times on each side.
Knead on inner upper portion of the kneecap (Sp10), 30 times on each leg.
Knead the dorsum of the foot, in the depression between the big toe and the second toe (Lr3), 30 times on each foot.
Menstrual pain that can relieved by warming; scanty and darkish menses; limb coldness
Knead the backbone at about shoulder level (Du14), 30 times.
Cross the hands and place on the upper abdomen and rub the area 30 times.
Wipe transversely across the lumbar and hip, to warm up the regions.
Use the fingers to strike the center of the lower abdomen (Rn4), 30 times.
Knead on inner upper portion of the kneecap (Sp10), 30 times.
Continuous vague menstrual pain that can be relieved by pressure, scanty and thin menses, fatigue; a pale complexion
Knead along the sides of the lumbar spine, 30 times.
Knead below the free end of the eleventh ribs (Lr13), 30 times.
Cross the hands and place on the upper abdomen, first rub clockwise and then counterclockwise, 30 times.
Wipe transversely across the lumbar and hip region, 30 times.
Knead the depression behind the inner malleolus of each ankle (Ki3), 30 times.
Knead the dorsum of the foot, in the depression between the big toe and the second toe (Lr3), 30 times on each foot.