Traditional Chinese Medical Acupressure for Arresting Hiccups
Acupressure for Arresting Hiccups
1. Knead the center of the sternum (Rn17) 30 times.
2. Knead the center of the upper abdomen (Rn12), 30 times.
3. Knead just under below the free ends of the eleventh ribs (Lr13), 30 times.
4. Knead the notch above the sternum (Rn22), 30 times.
5. Cross the hands and use the palms to rub the upper and lower abdomen, 30 times each.
6. Scrub along the sternum forcefully, 30 times.
7. Knead the sides of lower thoracic vertebra (Bl20, Bl21), 30 times.
8. Knead 2-finger-breadths above the middle of the wrist (Pc6) on both hands, 30 times.
9. Nip and grasp the middle part of the palm web (Li4), between the thumb and index finger, 30 times on each hand.
10. Press and knead 1-finger-breadth below the anterior crest of the tibia (St36), 30 times on each leg.
11. Clap the crown, 15 times.
The massage can reverse the abnormal qi flow in the stomach and stop hiccups. When kneading or pressing on particular points, there should be enough force to bring about numbness or soreness, while rubbing or wiping should create a feeling of warmth.